Odds and Ends to comfort the gamblers


Staff member


Staff member
I had my worst UFC today for a long time.
I remind myself that your bank does not go up in a straight line. However as long as the overall long term trend is up then you are on the right path.



Active Member
I had my worst UFC today for a long time.
I remind myself that your bank does not go up in a straight line. However as long as the overall long term trend is up then you are on the right path.

Hang in there. Maybe ease up on unknowns in bet sizing... Put a Lil more time in ..

But you definitely caught some bad breaks & this conversation wouldn't be happening

Sorry for your loss :/


Active Member
is it safe to click? lol


Active Member
ok, what the heck? why does that illicit tears?

and why the f aren't they wearing helmets


Staff member
Tears of laughter. I just find the guys frustration hilarious. Specially when he has had enough and goes in for the kill ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Then he realizes he fucked up. Its just all around gold to me.


Active Member

next time you lose a bet, watch this.. i defy you to sit still listening to it