nuts. i dont understand the market enough to figure out what's going on here, but its completely insane lol.
Basically whats happening is this:
A lot of hedgefunds and large institutions has very large short positions in the stock. Short positions means that youre betting on a stocks price going down basically -> You thus borrow the shares from someone who has them, hope for the price to go down, then sell the shares back at the currenct lower price and pocket the difference). People have actually shorted the stock at above 100% of the float, so more than 100% of the avaliable shares is sold shorts. (How thats possible is a bit complicated, but basically the stock can be lend out multiple times per stock)
The thing about short selling is that you actually have uncapped as opposed to being long a stock (A stock can only go to 0 and you lose your whole investment, however a stock can theoretically keep going up forever) - This creates the environment for a short squeeze: Basically all the Wallstreet bets guys ape into the stock, causing the stock price to rise - This causes some sorts to have to buy back their positions -> Thus the price rises more. -> Creating this squeeze, where more and more shortsellers have to cover to avoid enormous losses, while people keep buying the stock so it just keeps on raising.
This means that the big boys - Melving Capital and Citron Research for some, are stuck in their short positions, as they are too large to unwind quickly, and people are making it harder for them to get stocks to sell due to the demand for the stocks to buy.
So right now these insitutions are sitting with massive losses on their short positions - and are getting margin calls by their various brokers. This means they have to borrow money to not have the broker close out these short positions at MASSIVE losses (As in, they would go bankrupt if they did) and that's basically what the Wallstreetbets guys are trying to make happen.
So that's the story of how a bunch of reddit idiots are fucking wall streets best traders - It's really a beauitiful thing.