GOT Betting Thread - May be Spoilers!


Active Member
Sun 5/5 8001 Jon Snow sits on the Iron Throne -165
9:00PM 8002 Jon Snow won't sit on the Iron Throne -999999

Snow on the iron Throne +135 myb


Foundation Member
@ bol

Number of Surviving Dragons by End of Season 8 - Over +½ Dragons -170

Will Jon Snow and Daenarys Conceive a Child - No -300

Who Will Arya Stark Kill First in Season 8 - The Hound +350

First Lannister to Perish - Cersei +160

Arya and Gendry to Marry or Become Engaged - Yes +300


Foundation Member
Field to kill Cersei have any value?
Field include Greyjoy’s, Greyworm, Snow, Bronn,
Maybe some value. I see most likely scenario being jamie. But I can also see her dying by wildfire, in which case I'm not sure how that gets graded. Does it count as field? What if the person who set off the wildfire is listed, do they credit him/her?


Foundation Member
Originally thought dragoon is a possibility, but they are really emphasizing all the scorpion guns. I think dragoon might have a tough time getting close enough. Maybe >5%.

But same grading concern with dragoon. Does it count as field or dany if she's on it?


Foundation Member
bran to rule westeros taking heat again. since monday the price moved from +1200 to +125 at bol (+800 to +150 at bovada)


Active Member

haracter to sit on the Iron Throne at the end of season 8
Sun 5/12 8001 Bran Stark sits on the Iron Throne -190
9:00PM 8002 Bran Stark won't sit on the Iron Throne -999999
character to sit on the Iron Throne at the end of season 8
Sun 5/12 8003 Sansa Stark sits on the Iron Throne -200
9:00PM 8004 Sansa Stark won't sit on the Iron Throne -999999
character to sit on the Iron Throne at the end of season 8, Jon Snow = Aegon Targaryen
Sun 5/12 8005 Jon Snow sits on the Iron Throne -125
9:00PM 8006 Jon Snow won't sit on the Iron Throne -999999