Game of Thrones Discussion


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Winter is coming.

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i swear to god, i'm like not ready. if i lived in a bubble, i'd wait. i haven't finished rewatching s4 yet, even.

(i haven't read past book 3, but i'm as big of a GoT fan as you'll find. i'll go trivia contest with ANYONE!)

idk what it is.. just kinda not ready. i've intentionally abstained from watching any commercials, any trailers, any preview shows, any preview youtube shit, you name it. (doing same thing for avengers 2, star wars, etc.. still haven't seen the star wars trailer, and won't till after i watch the movie)


Active Member
I would absolutely take you up on the trivia. But I am a non-book reader so all my knowledge comes from the show and the Wiki.


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hbo free this weekend! gonna watch last few episodes to jog my memory. i havent read books. but whats up with all the women runnin sht


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Devoured the books so long ago can't really remember what happens in these upcoming seasons outside of some major story arcs - I guess that's a good thing


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haha, yep. and those arcs might change, from everything we hear


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Interesting 1st episode. Not sure how Stannis is going to handle Jon ending Mance in the manner he did. I'm assuming Baelish and Sansa are going to Dorne. And Varys finally reveals what we suspected, that he was mainly working to restore the Targs to power from the inside.


Active Member
first four episodes leaked. had to watch the 2nd as the first episode didnt do it for me


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yeah the 4 episodes are on CokeandPopcorn I believe

Last weeks Vikings episode was a different class though!


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I can't watch Vikings after Ragnar cut his hair.. That hair cut was so fucking awesome


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Guessing by his lack of comments that EZ hasn't watched the 1st episode yet and is avoiding this thread like the plague.


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Id like to talk about it.. But i have watched all 4 episodes... PSUMike, let me know when you have caught up.


Active Member
Guessing by his lack of comments that EZ hasn't watched the 1st episode yet and is avoiding this thread like the plague.

you would be right :)

FINALLY got around to it after the ufc. i hadn't watched S5 opener till last night.

i think my expectations were too high, heh. i know the opener is always gonna be a setup episode.. but i was a lil underwhelmed. prior to watching it, i watched s4 e10 and i teared up multiple times, haha. not a glimmer of watery eyes on s5 e1.

i thought for a moment that maybe burning mance was for "king's blood" (sacrificing aking etc, cause he was considered the king beyond the wall) -- but i guess that's not it. cause i think he WANTED mance to work for him... although maybe it was win-win, because effectively, mance volunteered to be burned alive (cause he could've stopped it) ... maybe that's something here?

and yea, stannis gonna be pissed. jon snow has grown into a pretty heroic character. he and jaime are the most heroic chars on the show, i guess? and tyrion? jon's kinda the all out selfless hero, tho (i don't think varys is as pure, because he does some vile things even though he has to (i.e. he did order dany's assassination in s1.. it was jorah who elected to stop it)

wonder who the guy is in the mask... although it could be just a nobody, just one of the sons of the harpies... i suspect it's someone important, tho. fucking disturbing scene, tho. they did it to me again. i was thinking how sweet of a moment it was. was just as soothing for us as it was for the unsullied. btw, i know i'm not alone in wondering at first if they had recast grey worm, haha. glad that's not the case.

my favorite part of the episode was the flashback. as a show watcher we wouldn't know what it was instantly, but as a person who delves into all things GoT, i knew instantly. CBG19's lannister video explains it. it's not really spoiler-y. just knew of this prophecy (and there's more to it, i'm pretty sure, we might revisit it). here's the vid (watch all her westeros family history videos if you haven't, they're amazing.)

it's right around 10:25.


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and yes, please don't talk about the show past the episodes that have aired. i should be able to watch ep2 tonight (i hope)


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While you catch up...

How fucking great was this setup , the fight, the end.... The everything.
