Corona - How are you faring ?


Active Member
So I tested negative. Probably just a mild cold. This is the new reality we live in, if you cough or sneeze at work you will be sent home and can only return after a test. Then 48 hours for result. Massive inconvenience


Active Member
Happy to hear you are fine. Sucks that your employer won’t pay you.

If we send someone home due to contact with someone positive or or if the employee test positive, we pay you for time missed


Active Member
I’m not getting laid off. I have to fire a lot of people this week.

One dude is getting 400k severance. Crazy times.


Active Member
Crazy times this is. Life's been impacted in so many ways. Before this shit happened we had plans to go to ny for spring break, and my daughter was supposed to participate in the orlando regional spelling bee (she won her school and came 3rd in county). Obviously we cancelled the trip and the spelling bee was postponed until further notice.

I haven't been out the house since march 13th. Going a little nuts with the kids home from school, driving me crazy. Running low on alcohol and im not sure if i should restock or if that would be irresponsible. My brother tells me the dispensaries might be closing in CO so im not sure where I'll get my weed. I've been a real degen betting on horses, daily weather and stock market props. Lost a bunch on sumo wrestling thinking i was slick lol.

But more importantly i cant help but worry about the old folks and anyone else at risk right now. Hope you all come out of this okay and it doesnt go on much longer.
Sumo wrestling lolllll


Staff member
Not sure where to post this but my wife who wanted kids ( i dont want (anymore) kids ) has been sick last 2 mornings...

Im too old for this shit...



Active Member
Not sure where to post this but my wife who wanted kids ( i dont want (anymore) kids ) has been sick last 2 mornings...

Im too old for this shit...

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I don't know whether to say congrats or send my condolences, haha. Love that movie btw. How many lil ones do you have already?