Was there ever proof that
5dimes Tony got murdered after the kidnapping thing?! I wish I still had screenshots of some of the convos I had with me him back in the day. Guy was like Dana White, best mate one minute then next threatening to kill you! Remember when I hit opening line on Travis Hapa Browne against Struve on sportbet, got released at +120 or something. Must of got $200 max down on it and it went to -160 or something. Within minutes I got a message from Tony saying that he knows I'm running an elaborate scheme of hitting opening lines using a bot or something and that there was another member doing exact same bets as me at same time. Was bizarre. Acted like I was getting 500k down and potentially bankrupting him! After about 10 mins of back and forth he ended up talking to me like I was his best mate. Went from voiding my bet to reinstating it and gave me a bonus or freebet or something! Was really odd.
Ah never seen this before, his real name was Sean Creighton